Our office has signed an important collaboration agreement with FAMDIF/COCEMFE, the Federation of Associations of Physically and Organically Disabled People in Murcia. The signature, in representation of both organizations, has corresponded to our CEO, Pedro Rivera, and to the president of FAMDIF/COCEMFE, Carmen Gil.
The signed agreement implies the commitment of Aethicus to provide legal advice on accessibility and training to the associates of FAMDIF/COCEMFE. One of the actions in which our firm will collaborate will be in the updating of the guide ‘Works of improvement of the accessibility in communities of owners’.
Moreover, Aethicus will inform, advise, and offer to the users of FAMDIF/COCEMFE the services, works and products that they demand in the matter of accessibility and elimination of barriers. Also, all those questions related to the disability, related to the real estate legal services that our office provides in the matter of housing. All this will be complemented with the discounts in the professional fees given to the users derived by FAMDIF/COCEMFE by the lawyer’s office.
The Federation of Murcian Associations of Physically and Organically Disabled People is a Non-Governmental Organization, of social character and without spirit of profit and declared of public utility, that was born to give answer to the worries of the Associations that compose it, as a way of joining efforts to achieve their common objectives: the social and cultural integration of the physically and organically disabled people and their normalized active participation in the society. And especially those aspects that concern them more directly because of their disability, such as mobility, access to culture, work, sport, health, among others.