Dear customers:
Since the declaration of the state of alarm due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-2019, in Aethicus we have been attending you telematically for social and health responsibility.
From Tuesday, May 12th, we will provide again our service from our offices located in Jaime I, 3, 7ºAs in the city of Murcia.
Our business hours will be from 9.00 to 14.00 from Monday to Friday.
We inform you of the following measures we have adopted:
– If you wish to arrange a meeting in our office, you will have to make an appointment in advance. To do so, you can contact us by telephone on 968 005 001 or by e-mail at
– To guarantee a minimum safety distance, the number of people attending the meeting may be limited.
– Appointments to deliver or sign documentation must also be arranged in advance.
– We carry out several daily cleanings of the areas of greatest use in our offices. In addition, we have gloves, masks and hydroalcoholic gel at the disposal of clients who require them.
– We ventilate and clean the rooms immediately after each meeting, so please be on time for your appointment.
– If you prefer, you can also arrange meetings by videoconference, as you have done up to now.
We regret any inconvenience these measures may cause you, but they have been taken to ensure the safety and health of all.
Thank you for your understanding.
Murcia, 11th May 2020